
Hey there, teenage_dirtbag18! I've stumbled upon your page, and was just wondering if you'd mind checking out my new story named, "A Change Of Fate" please? I'm sorry if this is annoying, I just want some feedback on it. Even if you don't read it, thank you.
          - Nettie <3
          Ps. I love Shawn and Dylan ansnsksj


Hey there, I've noticed that you've been following my book "Chased by Suits" and I want to take a little bit more of your time to let you know that I really appreciate the support you're giving me by voting ,commenting on and even just reading my work. Every little bit of interaction with my readers is very precious to me.
          I hope you'll enjoy my story's chapters and wish you the best!


Hey there sofiadonken18 , can you please check out my story, many people who read it told me that its a really great story and I would really love to hear it from you too. I'll really appreciate it if you add it to your library and begins to read. I'm sure you'll love it, trust me.