
will be revising the entire BTPT book cause i am not satisfied with it whatsoever


What happened in my city is disgusting. A man drives 300 miles here to simply commit an act of racism and violence. Buffalo may not be the best but it's not horrible. That man has everyone here living in fear. People died. There should be more of an outcry, more attention to the violence that occurs out in the U.S. I don't even know how to feel right now.


To death with him pls. In the slowest evilest way


my book ideas are going through the roof, i haven't the slightest clue which book i'm gonna finish books but to avoid burnout i'm going to choose one from the five i have or (will have) posted intros for, and work on that. I also have a side project in the works, a homestuck based fan adventure that i'm gonna be spending the next few years on, that said time to be more active!


@elqlaa when the stuck is home


home stuck 