
          	Hey there farah, the names Adele 
          	And I am not sure what an acc is.


Well as you all know encounter is certainly picking up with the reads and I am truely greatful for that. But as I am seeing the votes and comments and reads I have sadly not noticed any gain in followers :/ 
          Please if you read encounter and do not follow me, then please do. Also all my followers notify these people. :) xx
          Next chapter should be up soon. Just have. Lot of school stuff to do along with a boyfriend ;) xxxx


So I hear you guys love encounter well that's good to hear because I want to do a Q&A do you guys can ask questions about the characters and about what happens. So yeah what I want you to do is go ahead and comment on the last chapter I updated and put Q&A question: then put your question I will answer as many on a YouTube video so I will direct you to the link. :) xxxxx


Sup guys if you are ready for a competition for encounter then read this. I am having a competition to see who is the biggest encounter fan so far. What I need you to do is pick your favourite bit of the story so far and write about why you like it. I will pick the best one and the winner will have chapter nine dedicated to them :) good luck! You have till Monday btw