
Draco Malfoy stories make me so happy. My favorite so far is Little Bird. SPOILERS: I died when Draco can't feel a heart beat and the trio can see him freak out and tear apart. I feel like the Golden Trio was opened up to the true Draco. They could finally see just how human he is and just how much he loves Eve.


Draco Malfoy stories make me so happy. My favorite so far is Little Bird. SPOILERS: I died when Draco can't feel a heart beat and the trio can see him freak out and tear apart. I feel like the Golden Trio was opened up to the true Draco. They could finally see just how human he is and just how much he loves Eve.


I hate when I'm reading a Fred Weasley fanfic because the end will obviously be angst....since he dies. Then the writer decided their version is going to keep him alive. Stop. Think about what you're doing....got it? Now go write me some sad chapters that'll make me cry ✌