

@-lostborns Neil gave one of his world famous smiles to the other, "So you are the infamous Harry then?" He then stuck out his hand

who / are / you and how did you find me ?

( @telekineticagent ) daryl put down the wrench in his hand “ i already told the police everything i know and i don’t believe that your cousin killed my dad . ” / sorry this is super late !

@illusionsons "My name is Neil Parker, I'm the cousin of Peter Parker...you know...Spiderman. I wanted to talk to you about the whole Mysterio thing." Neil smoothly said

this message may be offensive
"wait wait wait, you're telling me that /your/ parents are may and ben parker? i'm calling bullshit."

@telekineticagent "Yeah, okay. I'm an only child." Lyla crossed her arms. "Why is everyone coming here? My universe sucks."

@webslxnging- Neil sucked in his teeth. "I'm from a different universe where I'm May and Ben Parker's son. Something is bringing people from different universes to yours."

adria stood by may and ben’s grave, tears in her eyes, when she felt a presence walking towards her. “i miss them . . . so much. why’d it have to be them?”

@bestcousln Neil didn't say anything, he felt the same, that something was badly off about the entire situation like a large chuck of their life had been ripped from them. He had been thinking about his childhood and his memories felt off somewhat. It was too much of a headache to think about. He sighed heavily. "We have a meeting with the lawyer who is going to be reading out Mum's will. We need to go." He said finally.

( @telekineticagent ) adria held onto her brother, sobbing . she didn’t know what to feel , her mother and father gone. she felt almost . . empty . “ something feels off . . like i’m forgetting something . . ” she spoke up, pulling away from neil .

@bestcousln Neil sucked in a breath, not knowing what to say to his sister. He had experienced the bone crushing loss before with his entire family being gone in the snap. It felt like an extra kick in the teeth for him to have to lose his mother again a year after he had gotten her back. He regretted barely spending time with her in that year but it couldn't have been helped due to college and his internships. He couldn't even blame Spiderman for the role he played in his mother's death, feeling this weird intense protectiveness over the superhero like he was as important to him as Adria was. He decided not to say anything at all and pulled his sister into a hug, hoping it conveyed everything that he couldn't put into words.

so, ned said he could be here in about an hour. did you maybe… want to talk about that question you mentioned?

@BLACKDCHLIA He bit his lip and opened the file, there was a piece of paper from his mother's lawyer, stating that her assets were to be split between Neil and Peter. "To my knowledge, I don't have any relatives called Peter Parker and I didn't know that I had a cousin. According to the lawyer, family members leaving money and assets to estranged family members after their death isn't unusual. But...here is where it gets interesting." He pulled out a copy of Peter's midtown school record and his school record, along with a bunch of photos, dating from when Neil was really young and his father was still alive to the last Christmas. What was shocking was that Ned and MJ were in some of these photos. "I remember when all of these photos were taken, especially the decathlon team photos. But I don't remember him." Neil had circled Peter in all of the photos.

@telekineticagent ✎ peter parker. a name completely foreign to mj, except— no. peter parker. that was the guy who had come order a couple times now. for some reason, he’d told her his full name when he’d first come into the shop. she’d thought it weird, naturally. but in a dorky way. and now, neil had a file with his name on it. it occurred to her only then that they shared a last name. parker wasn’t that much of an odd surname, she didn’t suspect it, but now that it was in front of her… she felt like she was missing out on something. really big. like it was right in front of her, yet she could not grasp it. it was so odd. the same feeling she got whenever that peter parker came in for his coffee. “okay,” she finally answered, hesitantly, trying to push worries aside, “what about this peter parker?”

@BLACKDCHLIA Neil shifted slightly in his seat, he sighed as he placed a bookmark into the page of his textbook and cleared away his notes and cleared away his notes for one of his seminary works. He had changed a lot in the 5 years that the pair had been apart due to the blip. He had become more organised and not a hot mess as he had been at 15. He then paused and hesisted as he looked at the brown file in his bag. He then sighed and pulled it out along with his phone. The file was labelled 'Peter Parker'. "Please listen to everything, I say before you say anything." He said. "I would have preferred waiting for Ned, but we can discuss it now."

/WTF wattpad, why can't I post or comment on other's boards.

uhh .. hey . hi , is this a bad time ?

@aimedarrows "My mum died recently. She was my only living relative." He said quietly.

" woah , hey , are you okay ? what's up ? " the archer frowned at the student in concern , looking around to see if anyone was nearby .

@aimedarrows The physics student looked up. "Kinda." His eyes were puffy and red as he looked at the other man.