Hi everyone! First of all I want to thank everyone who's read No Manners, and no, the book hasn't finished yet but sadly it is going to come to an end, hence the reason I'm saying this. My original plan was to publish my jaemin book I've worked on for a while.. but now that I reread it again, I don't really like it as much and don't know how to continue it on further (And of course, I can find a way to improve it). But I started writing another book, which is not an nct member imagine but instead a riize member imagine WITH some nct members included. I feel quite excited and glad of the idea to publish the book, just let me know what you guys think :)
(Btw the member is seunghan, and yes I'm aware of the situation he was horribly dragged into and in no way disrespect him but I started writing this just a few days before he went onto hiatus and have a good sort of planning already)