
So as you guys can see, I just added more chapters to War Games. Please read it, it's one I'm very proud of already. I'll still update Patient Zero and Fear of course but I'm really starting to get into War Games. I promise to break your heart many times over in it (I've already attempted it with the 3rd chapter haha). Also, ANYONE THAT CAN MAKE ME A SICK BOOK COVER WILL HAVE A CHAPTER (and possibly character!!!) DEDICATED/NAMED AFTER THEM! PLZ. DO IT IM BEGGING YOU. ❤ ~H


So as you guys can see, I just added more chapters to War Games. Please read it, it's one I'm very proud of already. I'll still update Patient Zero and Fear of course but I'm really starting to get into War Games. I promise to break your heart many times over in it (I've already attempted it with the 3rd chapter haha). Also, ANYONE THAT CAN MAKE ME A SICK BOOK COVER WILL HAVE A CHAPTER (and possibly character!!!) DEDICATED/NAMED AFTER THEM! PLZ. DO IT IM BEGGING YOU. ❤ ~H


Hello people! 
          Sorry I haven't been posting haha I'm a terrible author. 
          New update for Patient Zero coming your way soon though. Who's ready for part 2 of Deathtown? Autumn's in some HUGE trouble......
          Thanks for all the comment, votes, and reads as usual, and watch for the next update!
          Stay awesome babes.


Hey! So for you all in the Northern hemisphere, it's summer!!! 
          This means more time to update, which means more updates!
          As some of you know, I've been quite active with Patient Zero recently, and I have plenty of ideas for Ashton, Autumn, Sinclair, Trinity and other characters soon to come!
          I will also try to work on Fear a bit more too. You guys seem to like that one!
          As for Animals, I haven't really been totally into that one. I might try to save it, but there's a chance I'll delete it. Give the first chapter a read if you want!
          ALSO: Be on the lookout for new stories this summer!
          Stay cool guys, love you all.