have your eyes always been this pretty, or is it the alcohol talking? / YOU SAID YES, SO.

@fatesmade * this conversation would have been so much better if she was sober, considering he wasn't convinced she'd remember any of this in the morning and then he'd have to start all over again. but then again, this conversation probably wouldn't have been happening if she hadn't been drunk. neither one of them would have gotten past their own stubborn natures to even considering moving to this point * Okay, forget about the spell thing. Though realistically, I could have asked any witch in the quarter. But I asked you instead. Shouldn't that say something? But of course you noticed me first, darling. Unlike the rest of my siblings, I'm not a complete buzzkill. I'm fun to be around. * he paused for a moment, considering her next lot of words. when had it started? he wasn't even sure. when they had first met? was it after that? it had happened all so gradually that he couldn't recall * I don't know. And that's the honest truth.

* her arms had contentedly stayed wrapped around his neck, although there was no reason she couldn’t peel them away from him. not that she would want to, for this moment had apparently been pushed off far too long for the both of them. and no, it wasn’t really that she didn’t process what he’d been saying (she was slow with it, not completely oblivious to it), it was the simple fact that she hadn’t expected him to do anything about it. * well… you can’t blame me for not thinking anything about the spell thing. you told me that she was your stalker and that alone was enough of a reason to ask me instead of her. * her nose scrunched up at his words, and then she was laughing. it had gotten to the point she deemed it necessary to hide her face in his chest in an attempt to stop. * kol mikaelson, you think i wouldn’t notice you? you were the first person i had out of your entire family and i think that really says something, but you cannot blame me for attempting to keep my distance. if not for davina’s sake, for your reputation. but you couldn’t accept that, could you? * she brought her head back to look up at him, a stupid smile stuck on her lips now. * when did it start?

@fatesmade * he didn't bother releasing the grip he had on her (why would he? she was his and there was no chance in hell he was letting her go anywhere). but judging by the look of pure shock on her face, and the fact she seemed a little dazed, she clearly hadn't been taking all that much notice of what he had been trying to tell her. really, did she seriously think he had wanted Davina, of all people? a literal child? honestly, if that was the case, she was crazier than he had previously thought * Darling, how many times I have actually sought you out? How many times have I asked you for a spell instead of your sister? I made no secret of any of this. I thought that I could make you notice me. You did, not exactly how I wanted, but I made you see me. That was all I wanted.