@badgerskeeper,, you seem great as either . * she nodded in agreement * but no . i don’t ,, i’m just rooting for slytherin . i have plenty of friends who play though .
@badgerskeeper,, that’s good to know . maybe i won’t have to watch my back after all . but really ? i could see you as a gryffindor myself . good luck with your steering though . even if we’re on opposing teams .
@badgerskeeper,, better ? you could’ve seriously gotten someone hurt . and by someone . . i mean me . * she took out a hanker chief she had gotten previously from a friend and held it out for her to take * you have a little blood .
@badgerskeeper,, obviously ? * she crossed her arms ,, looking down at the other * you do realize that quidditch is mainly an outdoor sport ? with broom sticks . . in the air ?