
Remember when you took my love
          	Said I isn't good enough
          	That I never seemed to have the time 
          	You were always halfway in
          	I didn't even meet your friends
          	But you were always talking shh 'bout mine
          	And one thing led to another
          	'Cause we'd be fighting for days
          	I used to think that I loved it
          	But now it's all been erased
          	We drifted further and further
          	I didn't want to let go
          	But I know, I know, I know
          	I ain't missing you at all
          	I don't need no medicine
          	I'm better than I've ever been


Current fav❤️❤️


Remember when you took my love
          Said I isn't good enough
          That I never seemed to have the time 
          You were always halfway in
          I didn't even meet your friends
          But you were always talking shh 'bout mine
          And one thing led to another
          'Cause we'd be fighting for days
          I used to think that I loved it
          But now it's all been erased
          We drifted further and further
          I didn't want to let go
          But I know, I know, I know
          I ain't missing you at all
          I don't need no medicine
          I'm better than I've ever been


Current fav❤️❤️


I don't like forced conversations, forced friendships, forced interactions and everything. I simply do not force things. If you be there for me no matter what...thank you