
@Mycupofteaplease hi sorry I all ready have my friend editing this sorry and no you never offended and the thing that helped me when I had writer block was reading other fanfics or doctor who book. 


I was at the comic con in your back round!


@tenxrose10 well they where bloody adorable...:3 it was brillant and it only made me peved their not really together :-:


Really omg how good was it I wasn't there unfortunately but I wanted to go and I watched the live stream 


Hello there! My name is Mycupofteaplease. Your story 'The Doctor Rose' is good story and stand out slightly from God's only knows how many of these story are one here. I was wondering if I could go back and edit your story a bit, I'm not saying your  
          a bad editor, no, no, no far it, your a better editor thin some of the people here. But I think a good edit would do this story good and get more reads. I help mini of another's on here, with story ideas or editing. Yes I do have my own Doctor Who story but I currently have  writer's block and this is one of the was that help get threw it. Will you get back if me on this, I hope I didn't offend you, that was not my intention. Thank you have a fantastic day. :)