
I've been on this website for two years and that's an achievement.


So @bootyvibes is making me post 20 things about myself so
          1. I have this severe fear of moths
          2. I really like dark chocolate
          3. I like getting given music posters
          4. I really like the song Temporary Bliss by the Cab
          5. I love Lionel Richie
          6. The first horror movie I watched was Orphan and now I'm scared of watching horror movies
          7. I really REALLY like Orange is the new Black
          8.  I hate nachos with a passion
          9. I play piano and guitar and flute 
          10. My fashion sense is one I can't afford so I look like I have a terrible fashion sense when in reality I'm just a poor teenager with no allowance who has an amazing and expensive fashion sense
          11. Also I have really high standards for relationships which probably explains why I'm not in one
          12. I'm really open minded and I hate biased people
          13. I don't give people second chances
          14. No seriously, if you mess up once or hurt me once or insult me once then I have nothing for you
          15. On another note I'm a pretty welcoming person
          16. I don't tell people anything more than they need to know
          17. I really like musicians or people who genuinely care about music
          18. For 2015 I'm buying a bunch of mason jars and I'm going to write about my day on little notepad papers and put them in the jar for every day
          19. I really really like 5 Seconds of Summer
          20. One of my New Year's resolutions is to learn how to play the bass. Calum Hood I'm coming for you
          I'm going to tag @different_but_same and @miamoo29 because baes


@different_but_same single bells single bells single all the way ... 


and at least i'm not getting completely ignored either heheh @different_but_same


oh what fun it is to be single on valentines day. ho ho ho heheh
            and who says i dont like him anymore (think about science) @niallergusta