Hello guys! We have a new story here! It's a novel actually, to be printed soon. Feel free to read the teaser; three early chapters of the book! The novel is entitled The Knife's Got Reflections. Happy reading! :D
P/S: The writer of Folikel Spektrograf is having a hiatus for a month from writing. The story will be continued on December. He sent his regards and thank you for all the support. Please be patient and do enjoy The Knife's Got Reflections teaser!
Hello guys! We have a new story here! It's a novel actually, to be printed soon. Feel free to read the teaser; three early chapters of the book! The novel is entitled The Knife's Got Reflections. Happy reading! :D
P/S: The writer of Folikel Spektrograf is having a hiatus for a month from writing. The story will be continued on December. He sent his regards and thank you for all the support. Please be patient and do enjoy The Knife's Got Reflections teaser!
Bab 5 Folikel Spektograf sudah dikemaskini! Pesanan oleh penulis;
"Maaf sebab langgar janji update semalam. Ada komitmen lain yang tak dapat dielakkan. Selamat membaca!"
Bab 4 Folikel Spektograf sudah diupdate!
Pesanan penulis:
Jemput baca ya semua! Macam biasa, kalau suka, vote dan comment, kalau tak suka, kritik dan kutuk.
Ahoyyy! Tak sangka akhirnya setelah kena bebel banyak kali, kami buat juga akaun Wattpad. Selamat datang. Di sini kemungkinan besar kami akan kongsikan kepada korang beberapa bahan bacaan yang telah dibukukan dan akan dibukukan. Keep in touch!