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Once again trump has made his self the worst president in America history. On Martin Luther King Jr bday. On all days he pick the day that a great man fought for civil rights for black people too shit on his bday. KKK that what he is. His staff trying cover it up and play we are dumb people. We heard him on the TV. He made a ass out of his self. Africa and Haiti are not shit ass-hole. These places got shiting on by America. America turn its back on them. TV only want to air the bad and not the good. Of these Wonderful places.He need to leave immigrants alone. America never been a great country. History books need to be re-written. Native Americans got their land stolen from whites. Whites was lazy to do their own work. They had to go get slaves. Only for the work, but also the pressure behind close doors. Thomas Jefferson had children by his slave.The statue of liberty was not built by whites at all. Immigrants did that. There are more restaurants, stores, cab drivers,doctors,chief that are immigrants. His wife not a American. He need to get remove from the white house and his dumb ass staff and family. We are not China we don't need to waste money building a wall to keep Mexicans out. Drugs not only coming from them. Doctors in America are the real drug dealers. Soldiers need to finally come home for good.