Wattpad is really the only place I can be myself here's a few facts about me 
My name is TerryAnn but everyone calls me Terry.... anyways
My birthday is February 5th
I'm 21
I'm a Aquarius
I'm bisexual 👭
I love food🍕🍔🍟
I love to read📕
My favorite color is 💚&💜
I'm weird and im proud 😜
Favorite animal is a 🐼
I'm 5'6 or 5'5 somewhere around there
I love my curly hair & my family 👪
I also love any type of music🎵
21 pilots and Panic at the disco!! Or Spm Are all my time favorite
I love to go food shopping 🍪🍕🍔🍟🍒
  • Se ha unidoFebruary 27, 2015

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