Hello beautiful people. I've been away for a long time due to being transferred to a clinic away from home, and all my time and energy had to go into my treatment. But, I'm getting better now, and if anybody is still interested in my works, I'd love to start writing for you again. :)
Could you send me Chapters 38 and 41 from Obsessed to my email? I'm like dying because I've been trying to read it at tumblr and it keeps saying that "there's nothing there" :c this is my email: rafamonique1@gmail.com
I just wanted to tell you that Obsessed was the first ever Kellic fanfiction that I had ever read (which I read for the 1st time in 2014 I think) and in 2017 I rewatched the trailer and remembered my love for this book and I came back to read it again and I still love it so much like I did the first time. Your story was the start of me shipping Kellic so thank you and I love your stories and writing so much ♡ hope you're better now and we miss you!!
Hello beautiful people. I've been away for a long time due to being transferred to a clinic away from home, and all my time and energy had to go into my treatment. But, I'm getting better now, and if anybody is still interested in my works, I'd love to start writing for you again. :)