User: LivingPlanB
Reported Aug. 26th
This was her message to me:
FYI: A lot of people believe the only criteria you need to meet to enter into a caregiver/little relationship is to be 18 or almost. This does not meet the criteria. First, and foremost the individuals involved must have the ability to consent. If you take away consent, you make the impaired person involved a vulnerable individual and therefore having sex with them would be illegal. Second, almost 18 and actually 18 or a big difference when entering into adult relationship. In order to have the ability to consent to you must be 18. All caregiver/little relationships involving adults need to meet that criteria. Your story does not reflect these things. The individuals involved would have been arrested for what they did to Lora. Also when foster children age out of the system, they go to court, have caseworkers and are required to attend school. You have a descriptive way of telling your story. Researching your topic would help make your writing appealing to everyone who chooses to read it and not question your ideas. When I am writing, I like to check out other peoples work to get ideas for how much sex to put in, the idea for a storyline, and what others like to read. I just read two really good books on WP: both "If I fall" and "Loving Ana" were great reads.
Remember, not all Ct/l relationships involve sex and most of the time in those relations littles are not in Littleton space when they are having sex.