Haha fun fact: My minecraft base just got blown up by one of my friends and the owner of the server. But it wasn't just my base, it was my everything. My bookshop, my cats, excalibur (my sword thingy), and my base. Everything i had worked to hard for is gone. the only stuff i have is the stuff in my inventory and the stuff in my ender chest. I already miss my cats. This was all because i went into my friend's base to get some books for my bookshop. I dont know why the owner helped. I did nothing to him. I feel like everything's my fault, like usual, but it's not. I'm mad but i dont know how to feel about it. that was the best base i've ever made. i just can't believe it's all gone. i dont wanna live in that town area anymore. (thanks for reading. sorry for venting lol) Does anyone have any revenge or war strategy ideas?