
I've decided to unpublish most of my ship books. I don't want to be disrespectful to the real life people. I'm keeping the ones with oc's, like SQIV, and Another Knife in My Hands bc it's got a lot of reads, but the rest are going unpublished. I'm sorry if you liked them. 


I've decided to unpublish most of my ship books. I don't want to be disrespectful to the real life people. I'm keeping the ones with oc's, like SQIV, and Another Knife in My Hands bc it's got a lot of reads, but the rest are going unpublished. I'm sorry if you liked them. 


I'm gonna be honest, I've lost my inspiration. I haven't been reading fanfics bc I haven't felt like it. I haven't been writing bc I don't want to continue what I have done. I've moved on from loving fanfics to other things. If you don't wanna follow me bc I've changed, I understand. I'm gonna delete the Wattpad app, but my account will still be alive on my computer and such. I'll update stories when I get inspired. Again, sorry. 


oh geez I haven't been active at all. I've just lost my flow. I haven't been able to write what I want to write and anything I make comes out terribly. I haven't had time, and yes the summer is coming up. I'll see if what I can do, but for now, I won't be writing. Anything I actually like writing doesn't get any reads and the trash that's written has reads. I don't know where I went wrong, but it happened. Sorry for being inactive, expect more of it. Sorry. 


Hey friends, I sincerely apologise for not updating in a long time. I've had writer's block for the longest time and it's so frustrating and I feel bad for not writing. I hope I can knock down these rough hedges, but till then, read what's there. 


The Frerard story is done so, logically, I'm releasing another one soon. I wanna post at least a few chapters and this has been in the making for a while. It's called Hello Angel and I'm gonna shoot it at y'all soon. Bye bitches.