
SO, firstly, I'm a horrible person that never updates even though I've sworn to you all twice now that I was back. But I have found a friend who has not only decided to force me to update but to also be my beta reader. We'll probably be going over my already existing chapters first, as she is extremely annoyed by my unnecessary capitalizations, ellipses, and horrible sentences. I'm so sorry you all had to deal with these troubling writing mistakes caused by no editing on my part, but you will no longer be victim to this and my infrequent updates. Hope you're all well!


Hey, what happened to Artemis' secret?? It's one of my favorites and I can't seem to read it? Did you delete it?!?!


Okay cool! That's totally fine I'm excited to read any new work you have to offer! I was actually rereading the story when I couldn't get to it, and if you decide to rewrite it I'm sure it will be even better than the first time( which is pretty great I may add) anyways I love your stories and can't wait to read your new version when it comes out!! Also if you need new story ideas I'm definitely partial to bbrae it's one of my favorites next to spirfire of course;) But until your new version come I'll be sure to check out your other works. You're truly an amazing author and I'm thrilled to see what you come up with next


@angelkam17 Wow, I'm flattered and honestly surprised! Thing is, I've been updating very infrequently as I'm sure you could tell and I was rereading it. To be honest, I was VERY unimpressed with myself. Especially near the end of my work, not only were the updates scarce, making the chapters very choppy, it had turned TOTALLY AU! I want to be realistic, so I made the call to take it down and rework the story line (mostly the end part) along with the actual writing (I know I can do better). I'm sorry  if this disappoints you, but I I owe it to myself and amazing supporters like you to actually do my best and learn how to PLAN a story out instead of going on a whim, then not editing before publishing. Most of my writing was from when I was around 12-13, and now at 15 yrs old, I know it can be improved. As I'm now reworking it, if you have any suggestions or ideas for the revamped story, I'm all ears! Thank you <3!


SO, firstly, I'm a horrible person that never updates even though I've sworn to you all twice now that I was back. But I have found a friend who has not only decided to force me to update but to also be my beta reader. We'll probably be going over my already existing chapters first, as she is extremely annoyed by my unnecessary capitalizations, ellipses, and horrible sentences. I'm so sorry you all had to deal with these troubling writing mistakes caused by no editing on my part, but you will no longer be victim to this and my infrequent updates. Hope you're all well!


Hi Everyone! Long time no talk... I just want to let you know I've updated one of my books and more updates will hopefully soon follow. My full apologies and many excuses will remain on the pages of my update. Hopefully, that, and the update itself will cause you to check it out!


Hello everyone! So I haven't updated in about 2 months. For that, I owe all my encouraging and fantastic readers an infinite amount of apologies. I've been away or without a charged computer or working WiFi. I've been sick, and may have forgotten my password to Wattled also. In fact, I'm fighting off a cold now. But I've done an incredibly short update on my book, "Artemis's Secrets", and am working on the next chapter for that story and my story, "Regrets". Thank you for bearing with me, I hope for your sake's and mine, that it'll be worth the end product!