@angelkam17 Wow, I'm flattered and honestly surprised! Thing is, I've been updating very infrequently as I'm sure you could tell and I was rereading it. To be honest, I was VERY unimpressed with myself. Especially near the end of my work, not only were the updates scarce, making the chapters very choppy, it had turned TOTALLY AU! I want to be realistic, so I made the call to take it down and rework the story line (mostly the end part) along with the actual writing (I know I can do better). I'm sorry if this disappoints you, but I I owe it to myself and amazing supporters like you to actually do my best and learn how to PLAN a story out instead of going on a whim, then not editing before publishing. Most of my writing was from when I was around 12-13, and now at 15 yrs old, I know it can be improved. As I'm now reworking it, if you have any suggestions or ideas for the revamped story, I'm all ears! Thank you <3!