this message may be offensive
[ Whoever reads this, do know I have officially deleted the app and will not be touching this stupid fucking platform ever again. (..Or maybe I will if something interesting happens.) If you need me, try not to, because I will not respond, and will probably laugh (jk) at the moron who tried contacting me on Wattpad. Use the socials listed a few messages down if its that urgent. (Discord, however, was changed to skejio#8203) And if you try contacting me just to vent and talk about you and your problems only (You know who you are), kindly fuck off :) I don't feel like dealing with someone who acts as if their problems are more important than everyone else's— its part of the reason why I left. I absolutely will ignore you if you try pulling this stunt. I will also ignore you if you've tried pulling this stunt before, so don't bother trying again. I am also very tired of the bullshit I see on here, and how the community I was a part of slowly died into some big old mess trying to fix itself, which is— you guessed it— another reason why I left. So don't try and contact me just for drama or updates on news I don't need to know, and don't contact me if its something about being included in a community or whatever. I am aware I sound like a bitch— but frankly? I don't care. I am very, very much over how fucking stupid everything is on here, how incredibly stupid the PEOPLE I have met on here, and I am done allowing myself to be included with this. So Wattpad I hope your platform rots and perishes, truly. To certain individuals, I give one last big "go fuck yourself", and to all— A final goodbye. For g o o d. ]