
I'm a tad confused. A few days ago I filled out the survey for the wattpad research's interview, and they got back to me saying that I had to fill in a time slot for said interview. Even though they said they'd contact me during the interview time (Thursday, 10:30 - 11:30) I never got a follow up message. Is it rescheduled or something?


Hello Tim, 
          I was recently contacted by Wattpad Research with an offer to speak to a Wattpad representative for an hour sometime next week. When I went to schedule the time, however, I found that neither the two available slots will work for me. The message said to come to you for scheduling issues. Is there a time in the late afternoon or on a weekend that would work? 
          Thank you for your time,


@BrightnessWings19 Hi there, yes there is. Can you follow up with me via PM?


P.S. My time zone is Mountain Daylight Time (starting this Sunday).


hi ^.^ So, I just received a text from Wattpad Research, saying that I can help them with suggestion to develope wattpad. I filled up the form, bt I want to change the time I mentioned there. Is there any way to edit informations? I've an exam that that day on 9th March, so it's really important to edit the time into a convenient one. Plz response (: