
this message may be offensive
It's been so long since I last opened this app. I don't know shit in here anymore ,


          Hi, I am an aspiring author! I know it's inappropriate to do it here (so sorry for this author), but i am just being so desperate to have readers! Can you try reading my BL stories, too? I'm sure you'll like it, too. That would mean so much to a beginner like me. Please? Thank youuu!!


Hey @Evina_Sparkle_2003 and @robin_raven! How are you guys? Maybe we could chat some time, anyways hood morning wattpaders in the Philippines and all over the world! I hope youll have a very very nice day! And for those who wanted to chat with me, well im sometimes online at night (Philippine time) so feel free to chat! 
           #LongLiveWattpaders! #wattpadforever! #keepcalmandneverletanyonedisturbyouwhilereading
          Lol! Have fun