i have to admit that i never wrote anything before. it feels like i don't have any eager to spill all of my ideas here. the point is i'm a newbie so help me out! 

i'm semi-adult girl, college student ( one of private college in bandung i'll let you guess! ) lovers of music, huge fan of john mayer and punk band, a foodie, true lover, and masih banyak lagi lah ya. oh ya i also took interior design as my major but i have to confess kalo kuliah desain itu benar2 torturing me, so i might change my major to literature or something but...... nevermind.
  • bandung.
  • Se ha unidoMarch 25, 2013

Historia de ms. j
Chasing, Olivia de that-weirdos
Chasing, Olivia
Ini cerita Tentang Olivia, dunia disekitarnya, dan surat-surat anonim yang tak pernah absen disetiap harinya.
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