Wow. Just, wow. Just when I was starting to get back into the DMSP and in the mcyt community, this happens.
I honestly don't know how to feel. But one thing that I can say is that you should stand with and support the victim regardless until the guilty is proven otherwise. Caiti has been so brave to share her story, same with Shuble, who created this domino effect, giving many women the courage to come forward and talk about their experiences. I am beyond proud of them all.
As a person who has experienced SA multiple times, my head is just everywhere and I can't seem to gather my thoughts correctly. I truly want to believe that George has not done anything wrong, but with all the evidence, etc, it gets harder and harder to do so with each passing moment. However, while I do think that George's apology was well-spoken and detailed, saying that he is completely innocent just doesn't sit right with me either.
I don't know what to make of the situation, and I will remain neutral towards George while continuing to give Caiti my undying support. I would much rather the situation talked about more before saying anything, and I would like to hear what they both have to say given that we've heard from both parties now, and as well as others from different perspectives.
For now, I will put a hold on the story that I was about to begin until further notice, as of now I do not feel all that good about writing about George and associated characters.
Thank you for reading and I hope you all understand.