personally I'm surprised you took time out of your day to read this. i have trouble to fantom why someone will read through all of this. i provided no details about myself, but yet you persist to read. intriguing isn't it? you have leaned that i enjoy to type in second person, now haven't you? you are eager to learn about me are you not? personally you could stop reading and i wouldn't mind. in fact i would understand completely. you wont offend me, nor will i feel bad. in fact, i would feel good. knowing the truth, that you don't take interest in me. i bet half of you already stopped reading. but maybe perhaps at the end of the 2000 characters i may revel something about myself, maybe even something that not even my closest friends know. but yet i trust a complete stranger, funny isn't it? i think so, i don't even know your name, but yet i am supposed to tell you things i only tell people who's faces i can see? i find this whole "about me" section redundant. i am gonna tell strangers all "about me"? no no no, tisk tisk. i am sorry if i made you feel bad, as I'm sure you but in actual information about yourself in the "about me" section. ok, so know only one fourth of the original number of people reading this are at this point. as in most of you have quit, it is ok. i forgive you, and understand completely. you know what i love? the fact i haven't told you a single thing about me in the "about me" section. funny, isn't it? and as you try to read in-between the lines, you will fail. there is no hidden message in this. and don't think there is just because i say there isn't. ah, reverse psychology can work wonders. now as we come to the end of this, you are dying to know one single detail about me, are you not? well keep reading and soon enough the detail will unfold. thats it, come on, you got this. you can do this. come on only a little bit longer. and think of how long it took me to write this. ok you made it, the on single detail is, I GOTZ DAT SWAGGER B)eat it
- in a house
- JoinedMarch 10, 2014
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