this message may be offensive
Part 2/3 of my rant
Guys I know some may think I was being harsh and I admit that I was because this guy had the freaking audacity to come interrupt some of my worry free, destressing time with my friends and insult me?!!!
I can take being bullied, physically hurt, ignored, emmassassed and the toll of being a therapist to 167 people as well as helping my friends through what their going through, dealing with losses in my life, trying to figure out the problems and gaps my friends don't tell me about and fill in as well as all the pressure put onto me by my family to not be a disappointment, my school work, my home life, my social life and still have time to look after myself even when I don't want to....
But I saw this once and only once
I absolutely fucking refuse
I have to be a pillar to alot of people so I will not and I repeat I will never hold back on putting someone in their place no matter their gender, age, race, culture or who they are in my life
Alot of people think my life is a breeze because I don't show my pain or my worries or my stress...
'On the outside you see I'm smiling and laughing but you never see that on the inside I'm crying, breaking, dying to be free.... But no one cares enough to help... They want support but they can't return it... '
-A.A(Aka me)
I love poetry honestly, I love Science, I love Medicine but I know I cant do anything with that in my future