
Hey, everyone!
          	Huh, it's really been a while.
          	I'm not leaving Wattpad. I'm keeping all of my stories and following the same people. But I am uninstalling the app from my phone. I don't read on it and I might get one notification a week. I'm a senior in high school applying to colleges and doing a ton of incredible volunteer opportunities, and I don't have the time for this app like I once did. This is going to sound really depressing, but I have irl friends that I didn't have when I was most active on this account, and I'm prioritizing them right now.
          	I often miss what it was like on here two years ago, when I was getting daily notifications about my stories and when people were interacting with each other all the time. It sucks that it's gone, but I also love the memories I had during that time.
          	Wow, that sounded cheesier than I meant it lol
          	Anyway, that's about it. In summary, I'm not leaving, but I'm going to become even less active than I was before. Someday I might publish another book, or start following more people, but for now, I'm going to put all my energy into my best year of high school.
          	With love, Hannah :)


@that_wild_artsy_1 I'm just seeing this now so you can tell how often I come here. Okay, it was solely to read your ish so I guess just let me know whenever you'd like me to do that again, and in the meantime, keep up the amazing work! :)


That's right, I'm not even going to take down that stupid among us book. Too many memories lol


Hey, everyone!
          Huh, it's really been a while.
          I'm not leaving Wattpad. I'm keeping all of my stories and following the same people. But I am uninstalling the app from my phone. I don't read on it and I might get one notification a week. I'm a senior in high school applying to colleges and doing a ton of incredible volunteer opportunities, and I don't have the time for this app like I once did. This is going to sound really depressing, but I have irl friends that I didn't have when I was most active on this account, and I'm prioritizing them right now.
          I often miss what it was like on here two years ago, when I was getting daily notifications about my stories and when people were interacting with each other all the time. It sucks that it's gone, but I also love the memories I had during that time.
          Wow, that sounded cheesier than I meant it lol
          Anyway, that's about it. In summary, I'm not leaving, but I'm going to become even less active than I was before. Someday I might publish another book, or start following more people, but for now, I'm going to put all my energy into my best year of high school.
          With love, Hannah :)


@that_wild_artsy_1 I'm just seeing this now so you can tell how often I come here. Okay, it was solely to read your ish so I guess just let me know whenever you'd like me to do that again, and in the meantime, keep up the amazing work! :)


That's right, I'm not even going to take down that stupid among us book. Too many memories lol


17 today >:)


@that_wild_artsy_1 Happy birthday! (a bit late, perhaps, but what can be done.)


          i don't mean to be rude
          but i /think/ i know you
          i mean, i can't remember...
          but i think so -


Ayo, I've got a confession to make
          Your life up to this point has been a lie.
          Some of you may know this already, but Ashley is not my real name.
          If 3 separate people reply to this then I'll change it--name reveal if there's public interest ;)


@-cxmet Alrighty, promise fulfilled ;)


@that_wild_artsy_1 | boo
            3 people have relpied now


@that_wild_artsy_1 Well, obviously I have to reply...


I've always been wondering, what are "adopts?" I'm curious but have never thought to ask ^^
          Is it just taking someone's old oc with permission/payment?


They’re characters that people make, and that people give away to others in exchange for payment, or for free! 
            Hope this helps ^^


I'm finally doing it, I'm finally participating in National Novel Writing Month! Anyone else doing it?


@that_wild_artsy_1 Alas, probably not. 
            I was planning on doing it this year, but I started a college English class, so now all my writing time is devoted to completing assignments.


Hopefully, I do. I probably will thou.