Hi sunshines!!!!
its me august
this is a very important announcement so im urging u to read it.
last month i said that i had something very important to tell you. here it is. so i am in my last year of school and i have exams in the summer. i really want to focus on them because they do matter and as a result, i won't be able to publish anything until June. my mum and i did talk and she said i could publish one chapter (chapter 15) before announcing my hiatus. i am SO sorry that i won't be able to publish anything for the next six months but I PROMISE you, in june, you will receive more of the beautiful love story of 'a beauty with crimson eyes'.
I want to say a HUGE thank you to all of you for reading my work. It honestly means so much to me. You guys always make me smile when i come onto this app and when i see your comments and see that you like the work i do. I love you all so so so much.
The surprise I was talking about is an upcoming short story i have been working on - His Beautiful Heart, which is a Chanlix story. I can't wait to show it to you in the summer.
I promise you, the next six months will go by so so quickly and you'll be reading my work again in no time. I will still be online on wattpad, I just won't be publishing.
If you ever need to talk to me, sunshines, i'm right here.
love you so much, you all are TRULY amazing
august xoxo