So, I think that now I feel comfortable enough to roleplay in English too.
If you want to roleplay, I can only be happy, lmao.
Since my entire profile it's about Kyle (also my biggest South Park kin), I could be a Kyle anon at this point.
Yeah, hear me out: I genuinely refuse to roleplay about Kyman; that ship really makes me feel uncomfortable.
What do I roleplay?
Well, I usually roleplay soft or very normal, chill things. I do not roleplay smuts, because they make me feel uncomfortable.
And I won't roleplay about any kind of 4bus3 and similar stuff. No. It's a big red flag. Absolutely don't ask about roleplaying this.
Spamming it's not funny!
If I do not reply immediately, don't spam me. If it's morning in your country, in mine it could perfectly be night time and probably I'm sleeping.
And I have a private life too, so it is possible that I won't be always online.
I will reply as soon as possible, but don't spam me.
Plus, I am on a vacation, so I hang out with my friend, her family and my parents almost every day.
Heh... since I'm running out of ideas recently, I would be glad if you can drop a starter :'3
Oh, and since this is not my mother language, I think that my writing will be very basic, but I promise that I'll try my best...let me notice if I do some mistakes, please.
I won't be offended by that; it could only help me to improve, no?
Well, so, if you want to roleplay something, pm me!
But remember everything I said.