
So I'm so very sorry that I haven't done anything for a while and that's my fault, but lucky for you @danosaur001 helps me so much so send her love and read her story "Fix You". Also, another person I do not know but I love their story "No Capes" is @joecool123 so if you like my superhero trilogy, check out their book! Love you all! xx Car
          	PS sorry my last post didn't work which is why you're getting this notif twice lol


So I'm so very sorry that I haven't done anything for a while and that's my fault, but lucky for you @danosaur001 helps me so much so send her love and read her story "Fix You". Also, another person I do not know but I love their story "No Capes" is @joecool123 so if you like my superhero trilogy, check out their book! Love you all! xx Car
          PS sorry my last post didn't work which is why you're getting this notif twice lol


So I'm working really hard to crank out the next chapter of Connected. I'm sorry it's taken so long, I had a family member pass away recently and took some time to myself and didn't have as much time to write.  I'm aiming to have it up fairly soon. xx Car


Guys, I'm sorry it took so long to post a new chapter and it's short and blah. I'm sorry. I'll slave way harder and it'll definitely be longer and my goal is to have it up before Christmas. As far as the superhero sequel, it's only five or so parts I think but I want to get it up so I can write the third and final installment and hopefully make it a little longer. Bear with me, I'm still figuring out Wattpad!!
          Much love and thanks, xx, -Car (thatcrazyfantasy)


Hey guys!! So I'm still working hard here, don't worry. I'm so sorry that nothing's been posted as of late... I've been slaving with school and sports. However, a chapter of Connected will be up by Sunday night if not tonight, and of course you know that that means another chapter of Too Far Gone will be up as well. Thank you for sticking with me and I'm sorry for the delay. 
          Much love, Car xx