
this message may be offensive
Oooooo writing the next chapter of the book and it's fucking hella good. I can't wait for people to read it. It's focused on bralex and damn its definitely something people have been waiting for ;)


@thatdaydreamer101 & im the most important person in your life hashtag international bfff


Hey, I'm new to this app and your book DD was very interesting. I found myself laughing a lot while reading it. I got to the last chapter a read it. Was shocked you left me on a cliff hanger... not cool . Lol. My mind wonders when I get left on a cliff hanger... I read the VERY last chapter. It said you were "looking for more gay friends." If you wanna talk if it's not to late... I'm here. I don't know how long ago you made that last chapter so sorry if I'm to late...


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I saw a lot of people considered about your well being... umm... if you need to talk my dms are always open... I might not see them right away but I will check on a regular basis... you can talk to me about anything... I have had a shit life. So if you need someone to understand or just be there for you hit me up anytime. :)
            Friendly regards always