Hi, who would you ship with felix? I am thinking about adding a side couple but i can't decide who i should pair felix with. Here is what i have right now.
He told me that my smile is pretty. He just randomly told me that. The audacity of this man. How dare he! I mean it's not like i didn't enjoy it. Of course i loved it, after all he was the one that said it. But my poor heart can't handle it. I was so confused.
Normally He isn't the type to just compliment me but i think He noticed that i try to hide my smile as much as i can. There were a lot of hate coments lately and i know i shoudn't take them to heart. After all they are 'only haters'. But it still hurts.
I heard my door open and quickly closed my diary. I turn around, felix is already next to me. "Oh, what got you so secretive? You closed that book quite Quick." Felix said teasingly. "Nothing." I try to hide it a bit more, which is silly because he knows about the most things already.
"Do you need something?" I ask while i stand up so i can place my diary on my bookshelve. Sometimes the most obvious hiding place is the best. "Not really, i just wanted to annoy someone" Felix said while laying down on my bed. "And you choose me? Wow, i feel so honored." I look at him unamused. "As you should" he sassed back.
He starts to play with my stuffed animals and looks suspiciously happy. "You look too happy. What did you do?" I asked him while i also sit down. "Nothing, can't a guy just be happy?" He looked at me with a wide smile. "Not if you look like that. What happend?" "You know, just the usual." "Ok, no. Now you lost me. What happend?" I look at felix waiting for an anwser.
I also tried something new. What do you think about it?