
y'allllllllll I have not been on here since foreverrrr. but how's everyone's quarantine going?? I have been watching a bunch of serial killer documentaries and listening to a bunch of podcasts. I also painted my room, started a garden, started learning latin/german (and thinking about starting either italian or gaelic, don't know which one yet), actually learning songs on the piano, and deep cleaning my room. ya know, keeping myself busy and trying to stay out of a long depressive episode lmao. also sorry if i just made someone feel like they've been a slaker. but i might actually get stories out and even a nonfiction??? but no promises because my many new hobbies


y'allllllllll I have not been on here since foreverrrr. but how's everyone's quarantine going?? I have been watching a bunch of serial killer documentaries and listening to a bunch of podcasts. I also painted my room, started a garden, started learning latin/german (and thinking about starting either italian or gaelic, don't know which one yet), actually learning songs on the piano, and deep cleaning my room. ya know, keeping myself busy and trying to stay out of a long depressive episode lmao. also sorry if i just made someone feel like they've been a slaker. but i might actually get stories out and even a nonfiction??? but no promises because my many new hobbies


alright your fave depressed gay is back 
          i made this thingy inspired by local58/Welcome To Night Vale because i'm a nerd
          also check out local58 bc it's creepy and it gives me lowkey Night Vale vibes 
          it's also cool but whatever 
          alright that's it :))


sorry i haven't been updating/posting much due to school, finals,  and i just overall been in a depressive state for the past few weeks. i might not be posting as often in the next few weeks either due to personal matters. but, i will try to work on stories over the summer (@cellularity and i agreed on it) so please be patient :))