
@Sleep-is-overated Oh my god! I am sorry I responded so late, I just graduated. As somebody who recently just came out to their parents, I've learned that parents don't really know how to deal with gay kids and things. There can be a lot of underlying homophobia or just plain homophobia. Try and remember that their words aren't true. Of course, it's ok to question your sexuality. I often jump around the LGBT spectrum and change my label. That doesn't make me a lesser part of the community or less valid. Just remember, this month is about you! Pride month is for people like you, struggling to express themselves under the heavy hand of hate, to people who have been out for years. Please, I encourage you to find an LGBT safe space online where you can talk to more people like me. There, you can escape the cruel words at home and spend time on YOU to figure out who you are and who you want to be. Again, I'm so sorry for the late response.


@Sleep-is-overrated obviously it’s difficult to juggle religion and sexuality, especially when people try to use the against you. My advice is,  no matter what your friend says, know that your sexuality is 100% real and valid. Remember, religion is the made up thing here, not bisexuality. It is totally ok to be gay and also be a certain religion, people have tons of different interpretations of the Bible. Maybe when you get older, you can join an LGBTQ+ church. If your friend keeps bothering you, maybe distance yourself from her, or tell her that God loves everyone, regardless of who they’re attracted to. I personally don’t believe in God, but I know that themain message of Catholocism and Christianity is to love thy neighbor. Just keep your values and morals while trying to stand up to your friend.