
So I'm writing a DnD fanfic right now, in time would you people like to see it? It's probably the most fun I've had writing a story. I think with my other, I rushed them and felt I HAD to get them out, I also want to make a light novel of something else I want to write, but I need to perfect it yet!


Meth maker confirmed..


@thatlazywolfo Mwuhahaha yes, show Crack to the entire W O R L D!!!


So I'm writing a DnD fanfic right now, in time would you people like to see it? It's probably the most fun I've had writing a story. I think with my other, I rushed them and felt I HAD to get them out, I also want to make a light novel of something else I want to write, but I need to perfect it yet!


Meth maker confirmed..


@thatlazywolfo Mwuhahaha yes, show Crack to the entire W O R L D!!!


If you keep track of the fact, I'm doing scripts for my anime.. Well because of motivation issues I tend to do things in a random order and so I will soon post another of anime scripts for Alexa but will be a season on... I'm sorry if there is any confusion over this but these are just to read and to have a blast with the characters I created!


Hello my fellow readers! So you may have just noticed that I recently published the third chapter of wonderous woodlands and it is my most successful story on here! So I would love to know if any of you readers had any thoughts as to why It is as successful as it is then please tell me as I would love to take advice which should improve the rest of my cruddy writing.


I'm gonna try something different for the time being as Im finding it difficult to write my Danganronpa Fanfiction, I do have another part to put out but it's not great, so I might leave the fanfic for a while but on the bright side, I do have other projects I can put when they are up to scratch! Please leave your suggestions on what YOU MY GOOD FRIENDS would want me to do!


It is I! Art thou surprised, smol bean?


@TheDragonsLibrary is that to my recent pin?


@thatlazywolfo I can't find it on mobile


@TheDragonsLibrary U wanna read my Fanfic? (In my works)