@thatmadddiikidd aww that brought tears to my eyes! Considering that's the greatest goal I hope to accomplish, that means a lot to me. Thanks so much! :D
Thank you for adding Watching Fireflies-Original Version as well as The Hornet's Nest to your library! The Hornet's Nest is a finalist in the Watty Awards! Please show some love!
Happy Reading!
Thank you for fanning!
It means the world to me and you've made me smile :)
I really hope you enjoy my stories and please don't be afraid to give feedback, hope you continue to show your support, and check out my other work!
Oh, which story made you fan? Or who did you hear from?
P.S Check out my facebook pg for extra stories, links & info and like it! ; http://www.facebook.com/pages/JordieXx/111714198913927#!/pages/JordieXx/111714198913927?sk=wall