
Now that I have Rebuilding a Home completed, I still plan on revising Drink You Away. I started it for NaNoWriMo, but November was so hectic for me that I couldn't finish it. I believe I have the first three (3) chapters revised - now onto the remaining!


Now that I have Rebuilding a Home completed, I still plan on revising Drink You Away. I started it for NaNoWriMo, but November was so hectic for me that I couldn't finish it. I believe I have the first three (3) chapters revised - now onto the remaining!


I've decided to do a rewrite of Drink You Away for NaNoWriMo. I have 8 days 'til then. Meaning, I am going to try to finish Rebuilding A Home before then. Requesting all the motivational vibes and the muse to kick writer's block butt!


Listen. I PROMISE that I am getting to Rebuilding a Home. I have been slowly writing in the last chapter. But that's just the thing - it's the last chapter, then the epilogue. Anyone ever get to the end of their story and feeling absolutely eviscerated that you're no longer going to be writing for your beloved OC? That's where I'm at. My bb Olivia has been living rent-free in my head since 2005, since the release of the darn movie. And to officially say goodbye? My heart is breaking - but at the same time, I am happy that her story has been told. 
          Anyway! I am rambling. I'm wanting to get the last chapter done by the end of this weekend. Thanks for being so patient with me and my emotional ass <3


@litangelfan88 thank you so much for your kind words and continued support ❤️❤️


@julieelliecreations yay I can't wait I love this story❤️


10k views on Rebuilding A Home??  jfc Thank y’all so much! I’m currently working on the next chapter, which will be the last, then there will be an epilogue. I can’t believe Olivia’s story will be ending soon  but it’s been a ride. 


@julieelliecreations love this story I'm sad it's coming to a end but can't wait till next update ❤️


My original plan was to finish Rebuilding A Home by February, but I started re-reading previous chapters and immediately began revising. Revising one chapter means revising all of them. Please bear with me while I work on that. RAH will be finished soon!


Happy December yall! I’ve made the decision that i will take a semi hiatus from writing this month as Nano/November completely wiped me out mentally. I’m going to take this month to catch up on fics i’ve been reading/wanting to start. Come the new year, I will restart writing and get to my fics. Thank you for your patience!