
Hey!  Just stopping by to let y'all know I changed some covers around on my books to account for gorgeous new fanart.  Check it out! :)


After you read this you have to send it to send it to 15 People.
          Your next five days will be like this
          Day 1- you will wake up with the biggest shock of your life
          Day 2- you will have crossed paths with a friend you have missed
          Day 3- you will find yourself with a lot of money
          Day 4- your day will be perfect
          Day 5- the love of your life will kiss you
          Dont break this. Send it to 15 friends in 10 minutes.
          I sent this to you because I really care about you


Thanks Masque for putting  I'm a Cyborg's Pet  on to your reading list. OK I guess that sounds a little weird, getting a message over such an easy thing to do. , but as new authors always get a wonderful sense of joy every time someone finds our work. Please enjoy the book. 
           Hugs RK+Reb


@The-Scrivener My pleasure! The plot looked fascinating, and I look forward to reading it soon.  Thank you for taking the time to write something so unique. :)


I think it's been a while since I've talked about my posting schedule, so I wanted to give you guys an update.
          As you guys know, my current major WIP is Breaking News.  Because of personal life constraints, I'm currently posting that biweekly on Fridays.  The next update is scheduled for the 28th.
          I am also introducing a new, four-part fic to the Monsters in the Mirror collection.  It's complete in its entirety, but I'm updating it biweekly between Breaking News updates.  It is currently set to update this Friday, the 21st.
          In addition to those two things, I'm also writing small one-shots for Olicity Hiatus Fic-A-Thon on Tumblr.  Since each new prompt goes up on Wednesday, any day between Thursday and the following Tuesday is fair game for a post related to that. :)
          Today, I'm about to post "Hostile Territory" to meet this week's prompt, "one more time."


Just a quick note for those of you who read "Safe Haven":  I made some minor changes to Chapter 2 in order to match up with the past!fic I'm about to post.  I doubt they're even noticeable, but I'm obsessed with continuity. :P  If you have any questions about it, holler at me! :)


I just did another fic dump.  This one includes:
          - Chapters 15-17 of Breaking News
          - Part 9 of The Edge of Hope (now retitled Once More Into the Breach)
          - Part 1 of Pineapple Investigations - a Psych AU
          - Part 2 of User Interface (now retitled Hardwired)
          - Zero to Sixty - a full version of Six Minutes
          Also, a very dear friend of mine on Tumblr, AlexiaBlackbriar13, has recently been making a lot of edits and graphic arts.  She generously made several for me.  Check out the new artwork for:
          - Ace of Hearts (Six Minutes, Zero to Sixty)
          - Crash Landing
          - Curiosity Killed the Cat
          - The Drug in Me is You
          - Hardwired
          - Mind Over Matter
          - Monsters in the Mirror (includes Of Shadows and Monsters)
          - Once Bitten, Twice Shy
          - Pineapple Investigations
          - Technical Assistance (probably my favorite art)


A brief note about my new story Breaking News:
          This work features a mentally ill character.  I'm trying to be very respectful of mental health issues, so if I've messed something up, let me know.  I did extensive research on the subject before I began.  In addition, if I've offended anyone, it was not my intention and I apologize.