I think it's been a while since I've talked about my posting schedule, so I wanted to give you guys an update.
As you guys know, my current major WIP is Breaking News. Because of personal life constraints, I'm currently posting that biweekly on Fridays. The next update is scheduled for the 28th.
I am also introducing a new, four-part fic to the Monsters in the Mirror collection. It's complete in its entirety, but I'm updating it biweekly between Breaking News updates. It is currently set to update this Friday, the 21st.
In addition to those two things, I'm also writing small one-shots for Olicity Hiatus Fic-A-Thon on Tumblr. Since each new prompt goes up on Wednesday, any day between Thursday and the following Tuesday is fair game for a post related to that. :)
Today, I'm about to post "Hostile Territory" to meet this week's prompt, "one more time."