It happens a lot lately but I’ve been dreaming about the friend that I miss. I hope you’re doing alright without us and I hope you’re not alone. If you wonder why I worry for you, it’s because you’re of value to me. It’s just in my nature to care for the people in my life. Amidst the sea of people who have rejected you, including yourself, there should be love set aside for you. I pray you accept it one day the way I accept and give my love to you.
But I know it’s hard to love yourself, thats fine. For now, I’ll be the one who will carry you until you can stand proudly as yourself that of which is flawed, a creator of mistakes now, then, and in the future—but also a person who’s realized that they are growing, and they have friends that will be there for them.
One day I pray you realize that you matter to so many people. We may not be family, but we might as well should be with how close knit we’ve become.
I miss our late night watching and talking, and talking about our favorites. But I know it won’t be long until we have these little moments again.
I’ll just wait for when you are ready. I’ll wait for you to open up to us.
Whenever you’re ready.