Reading Lists
A hundred followers?????? Thank you guys so much, I know it’s not much, but I still appreciate it anyways, this is great, thank you guys
A hundred followers?????? Thank you guys so much, I know it’s not much, but I still appreciate it anyways, this is great, thank you guys
How are all of you guys? I’m so sorry I haven’t been updating. I’ve been trying to, but I don’t have the motivation right now, I’m sorry
I updated my book sorry it took so long apologies
@CamilaMendes_admirer thank you that means alot i did have a lot going on at the moment
@CamilaMendes_admirer that’s alright. Sometimes you just gotta take some time to yourself or you have too much going on
Don’t let your past self define who you are now. Don’t let your mistakes take over your life. Who you are now is who you should be. If you change, then what’s the big deal? As long as you’re happy with who you are, then you can’t change for the worse. If you love yourself for you, then you changed for the better. Anybody who doesn’t appreciate who you are now, doesn’t deserve to be in your life. They are people who have no idea how much they are hurting you and changing your opinion on other people. They don’t know how they’re breaking your ability to trust people. They don’t know who you are. If they can’t accept you for who you choose to be, then just cut them out of your life. They don’t see how great you are. Just be you. You do what makes you feel happy
How dare they leave it on a cliff hanger!! What happened to Betty and Archie?? Mainly Betty! Did they die?? Did they escape?? What the actual fuck!? They can’t do this to us!! Rude! Is it bad that I kinda ship Varchie now??
@Emily8948 they can’t kill her off, the show would literally be so stupid and they would lose people that watch it
@Emily8948 I love Riverdale, but fr it’s just getting so weird! I really hope Betty is ok same with Archie. Betty is my favourite character out of that whole entire show and I’m going to stop watching it if she’s dead
Lili looks absolutely beautiful!!
I hate school, it’s too stupid, prison for kids
@bughead_cones34 fr fr, why do we even have school? You learn much more on the internet than you do at school
I honestly didn’t expect them to start singing, that was really surprising
@bughead_cones34 oh yeah they all have gray voices I agree but it felt kinda weird for me idk why lol
@Bugheadisforever23 it didn’t really ruin it, it was just really surprising and I definitely didn’t expect them, they all have great voices though, I’m not too sure about Penelope, but yeah
Happy birthday Cole, I hope you have a great year, same goes to you Dylan
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