
Y'all I just lost three chapters worth of writing 


Hey thank you for Following, if you ever get a chance I released my first novel recently (Violet Eclipse), I'm currently looking for feedback on this first arc and hope that you and I can become friends as I continue to familiarize myself with this landscape.
          Adversely if you have anything to direct me too as far as your own work I'd be happy to take a look.
          have an awesome day!


@Mogitin I will very gladly read your novel! I hope I can provide some relavent feedback, tell me if you're looking for anything specific to gather feedback from!


Hello! I’ve finished your order and have just sent you an email. Please let me know what you think and we’ll go on from there!  


@thatonecrazyauthor Hey! Loved working on your cover. It was a blast! I hope we can do this again! 


@VeraChendra  Thank you so much!! I love the fourth one the most (theyre all amazing!) and i think that banner and cover may be what i use!


Hey everyone just wanted to quickly say that a great fantasy book (i think its fantasy, correct me if im wrong) has been brought to my attention! so far just from the asthestics and character "map" i can tell The Court of Midnight by @VeraChendra is going to be an amazing book! i am also working with @VeraChendra to update the cover for Whispers From the Magical World and they are super kind and pacient with the whole process!


@thatonecrazyauthor seems good, I'd like to read it


Hey, I checked out your book Whispers From the Magical World ! I think it’s really good. 
          I’m offering covers and various graphics. Please come and check out my shop! 


@thatonecrazyauthor Hello! I’d be happy to provide you with a book cover and banner. Please do fill out the form in my graphics shop once you’ve decided! I look forward towards working with you! 


@VeraChendra Hi there! thank you for the votes on my book and the compliment! ive checked out everything youve done and its all stunning! i may ask for a cover for my book or a banner for my profile but im still deciding. <3