Hi guys I miss writing so much
Reading Lists
Hi guys I miss writing so much
Saw that biggest fan has 150k reads now.. that’s like crazy thanks sm to everyone thats read it :] sorry I haven’t been active in like over a year. I’ve spent a lot of time on ao3 tbh, and over the last like 2 months I’ve sorta left this fandom. That’s a crazy thing for me to say cause I never thought I would, but I’m just not interested anymore ig so sorry I’m not uploading anymore
@thatonemcfan came back to thank u again even if u might not see this lol U might not know but even after the long comment thread stopped me and the rest of the ppl in it kept contact and still talk to this day. Just wanted to say thank u sm for making ur books they rly r amazing and helping my meet some of my closest friends :)) rly appreciate u more than u think <3 (there's probably lots of spelling mistakes in this but ita 11pm can u blame me?)
@thatonemcfan I'm sad your going, but also glad, its what you'd like to do. Just know you were (and forever will be) personally one of my absolute favorite authors Aswell, thank you for dealing with the comment threads notifications, that was prolly very tough Hope to see you again, take care :3
@thatonemcfan damn it's sad that ur leaving :( u were and still are one of my favourite authors I hope we see u again someday :) Take care <3
Guess what everyone, I’m writing a new book and already have 3 chapters complete which round up to 5607 words! I have no idea when I will start uploading it, but expect a story in the near future.
I just saw a tiktok recommending MY book like that’s crazy. I feel like Biggest Fan isn’t even that good cause it was my first fanfic but I’m so glad some people actually really like it I feel famous
The book is amazing tho I love it. I also made friends in that one from which you've probably gotten too many notifications from :D
stop i love the biggest fan sm, I agree with @RayWasntHere_ it’s literally one of my favourite books..
Wait guys is it bad that I write my books in first person because I just learned that not a lot of people like that :/ I’ve literally only ever wrote in first person though
@thatonemcfan it doesn’t matter if they find it annoying. They can l e a v e if it bothers them that much. Just do what you’re comfortable with. 1st person I know at least for me is easier to write than others
@MyNameIsNowDiosa Ok thank you I was just getting worried about people finding that annoying
I want to write SO BAD I just can’t think of any plots
@scribbleowo thought I’d tell you that I liked your suggestion and in my next book one of the main characters is an animator and it’s talking about fairly frequently :]
Hey guys I’m still alive. I just haven’t wrote in awhile cause I don’t know if I should continue the stories I have with Q or not. I’ll get back to writing eventually don’t worry, just don’t know when. I’ve also been reading on ao3 a lot recently cause it feels like I’ve read everything on here. Again sorry for my absence :(
100k reads on Biggest Fan WHATT thank you all so much. You guys have no idea how much this all means to me :]
Hi I read Biggest Fan over I think 2 years ago when I was new to the fandom and the concept of fandoms all together. I want to thank you for writing one of the best fics I have experienced. I still find myself looking for fics like yours till this day. Thank you :)
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