now, i know people are upset by the riots and the acab movement (i’ve addressed this one in another discussion post). so heres the truth.
why are white people allowed to riot over meaningless things (ex. winning/losing a football game) and have no consequences. but when people riot over an actual issue addressing the racism of this country, it is ‘too far’ and ‘hurting this country’. why do those people who rioted with guns over the virus deserve our respect and received no consequence for their blatant threat of having guns. but when the blm protestors are peaceful, they get rubber bullets and teargas.
i understand the hurt of seeing buildings burn down and get looted. however, the police started this violence. the undercover cops and the professional agitators, along with people who want to steal under the guise of this movement are the ones who are causing actual harm. the undercover cops are the ones who burnt down many buildings including the homes of the underprivileged.
but especially, no protest that has gotten us our rights, was peaceful. (ex. stonewall and even the boston tea party) the boston tea party wasted about a million dollars and it is seen as this first stance of our liberty.
so overall, it is not about what hurts you as someone who is privileged to walk around safely. its about the human rights that are denied to the black community.