
My boyfriend recently started calling me "sweet potato" and i love it


I feel like a really bad friend right now. One of my closest friends, who I've been friends with for nearly four year hasn't answered me in over two weeks. I don't know why. And i accidentally made one of my best friends think i don't like them because i stopped talking to them as much. I didn't do it on purpose though, I've been really worried about being annoying and driving my friends away. I have no clue why. And in my attempt to not be annoying i stopped talking to them. 
          I really needed to vent a bit. I've spent the last twenty minutes crying and trying to figure out if i messed up.


I'm so excited!!!
          So my best friend and I are well known Harry Potter fans as well as library helpers, and our librarian asked if we wanted to hold a Harry Potter book club for the first book. It's starting next week on Monday!!!


I'm supposed to be asleep but I'm not and something funny just happened, so i was reading and one of the ads that popped up was about ADHD symptom management. The thing is i have most of the symptoms of ADHD and my brother has it and as a kid my dad did too 


@DemigodOfAnime I somewhat agree, but sometimes people have to self diagnose and ask questions before they can get a real diagnosis. One of my favorite sayings from medical professionals is, "a medical diagnosis can be a privilege." You need to be able to ask questions before you can figure out what's actually wrong. Self diagnosis isn't a professional diagnosis, but it's a step towards one. 


@thatweirdapollokid i not say i for sure have ADHD, im just saying that there is a good chance i do. Demigod I is.


            Don't self diagnose though. Though it would still be good to be tested for it. If you are....YOU IS A DEMIGOD-