
Hello everybody, long time no see. I've just updated a new chapter of 'The Runaways' (chapter 6) if ye want to check it out :) I've gotten a few messages off people, wanting sooner updates and my apologies for that, I am in my exam year and I don't get much time to write these days. So please bare with me until June and then I shall be free :D Also, please go check out my new story 'Organised Chaos', I hope you guys like it ☺️


Hello everybody, long time no see. I've just updated a new chapter of 'The Runaways' (chapter 6) if ye want to check it out :) I've gotten a few messages off people, wanting sooner updates and my apologies for that, I am in my exam year and I don't get much time to write these days. So please bare with me until June and then I shall be free :D Also, please go check out my new story 'Organised Chaos', I hope you guys like it ☺️


I would like to apologise for my absence but I sprained my thumb and damaged a muscle in my hand playing tag rugby so I haven't really been able to write but my thumb/hand is getting better so I'm going to start writing again soon :) I'm really sorry for the long wait but hopefully something will be up by the end of the week :) 


Hey guys! The rewritten version of chapter 1 of The Runaways has been uploaded! I would like to apologise for the late delay in the updating as I was supposed to have it up earlier but 5SOS had a livestream and THEY FRICKIN' SCALED A 100 FOOT BUILDING IN THEIR SUPERHERO COSTUMES! And then the video for Amnesia was uploaded and I'm an emotional wreck at the moment..... 
          Hope you guys enjoy it :P 


Hey guys, I thought I'd say this here rather than in the chapter because I know some people don't like author's note. 
          I have written and uploaded the very first rewritten chapter of The Runaways. I don't know if you guys get a message or not when I change something on a published chapter so I thought I'd let ye know. 
          Secondly, I'd like to apologise that it took longer than expected to upload but life has been crazy since May between friend drama, exams, seeing my favourite band in the world (5SOS) live and sleeping as much as possible. 
          Anyways, its up now and thats all that matters. I want to thank you guys for all the support you've given me because I would not be here without you guys <3 
          By the way, if you're going to see TFIOS, bring tissues and don't wear make up!