
yall what is going on with yoongi and this scooterive been dying all day like this is so unserious


woah…who would have thought that i’d take a damn near 3 year long k-pop break and come back to BTS all being in the military except for Jin?? Anywhoooo i’m so inconsistent lmao my bad but i’ve been working on some old things just for the heck of it. I got bored this summer and picked up my old projects, who wants to read them?!?!


@the-BiconicSimp me. Dont let your work go to waste. 


hello everyone:) it’s been a while huh? i’m just checking in with everyone since it’s summer and just seeing how everyone is doing i finally got a new job that makes me money moneyyeah but besides that i’m feeling better lately so i feel like writing some more, bae is prolly even thinking of making something newand wink wink it might be taekook(this is still a maybe tho lol) ALSO I HAVENT BEEN KEEPING UP WITH BTS BUT HELLO?! THE LIP AND EYEBROW PIERCINGS AND ALL THESE DAMN TATTOOS


Uhhh so guys i may or may not be coming back into the BTS fandomlike recently i was playing my old playlists and for like an hour straight i started playing their songs and i just remembered how much i enjoyed their music. AND i caught up on all the run BTS episodessooo i’m not saying this for sure but the chance of me coming back into the fandom is most definitely there, so sorry about this random message lmao


Hello are you doing? How are  you feeling now? Are you taking good care about yourself? How is life is? It's pleaser to know you are fine. When will update' you'r mine'. I know you have more important things to do. But i can't help myself to ask.


It's to know you are's ok take you time..your heathly and studying is more important..i can weit till you update..and i'm fine honey.


Hello:) i’m doing good, how are you? i’ve been busy with counseling and school so my personal time has been limited and my writing time even less. But i assure you i’ll be updating soon:) much love, and stay safe<3


Guys for a while I was in a really bad depression where I did nothing all day and had zero motivation to even leave my bed. Things were really rough for me but then I got into the mcyt fandom and I felt so much better. They slowly made me my old self again and I’m glad for that. However this has caused me to drift away from BTS and the army fans as I no longer feel the same excitement I did before. To put it plainly I intend to finish my most popular book within the vkook category and discontinue the rest. I’ll leave them up in case people were truly getting into them but I will not update them. If this changes I’ll let you all know immediately. I’m extremely sorry to stop writing vkook stories but I am not going to stop writing completely. I have bigger plans for my writing and I want to express more by doing something I truly love, please forgive me but also please understand that this is for my well being and self care. Thank you guys for sticking around, hopefully I’ll see you in my writing progress as I go along. Thank you all my loves, 
          Sincerely, me:)


Hello autother-nim..
            I'm proud of you, you are a brave preson, everyone well have a moment in thier live to into depression, some well go through that, live well give you hard time  to see if you can endure that, because later she well give the biggset happniess in live, so go ahead honey it's your choice to make your own happiness, don't let anyone to ruin your happiness, be a queen to yourself.
            My last requst please complate ' he's mine'.
            Have happy live from now on, and take care of yourself.


Hello. Autoher-nim.
          How are you doing?
          When well you update "he's mine"?
          If you well countien your story, or you stop writing the story.tell me so i don't have high hopes.


I’m doing good, for a while I was in a really bad depression and I had no motivation to finish the story:( but I’m feeling better now so I plan to finish that one and discontinue the rest of my Taekook works