Hello my lovelies!!! In regards to my book “The Gamekeeper’s Wife” I have unpublished it for now due to the fact that I am working on rewriting some of the older chapters and altogether making the story a bit more cohesive. I plan to make my story reflect the original books a bit more and not just be carbon copies of the movies, plus adding more of my own style to the series. This book has been a passion project of mine since 2018 and I love and appreciate every single one of you for sharing this long journey that our little community has been through. I hope that doing these rewrites will help me find my motivation to continue writing and continue sharing my ideas with all of you. This is in no way the end of my book but rather a new beginning for it flourish in a way I could never imagine. Thank you all for your understanding and I hope we can all band together in our excitement for what is to come!