
So today I was ready to give up. I was going home from school and I was debating on actually setting trough this time. But than a boy from my class came up to me and cracked some very very bad jokes which made me laugh. What he didn't realise is that he saved my life there and then. He doesn't know about how bad I feld and made me happy for a little time. To that boy. Thank you those terrible jokes saved a life today


Hai!! Ik zie dat je me volgt, ben je toevallig True Wolfs Mate aan het lezen? En zo ja, wat vind je er tot nu toe van? Mocht je nu denken: “hartstikke leuk!” Zou je me dan met iets willen helpen? Ik doe namelijk mee met een schrijfwedstrijd van Sweek - een online platform dat best wel lijkt op Wattpad - en om te winnen heeft mijn verhaal zoveel mogelijk likes en volgers nodig op sweek! Ik doe mee met de herschreven versie van TWM: ALPHA #MoonYAcontest (die hashtag is voor de wedstrijd) dus als je me wilt helpen dan kun je ook direct allemaal nieuwe hoofdstukken lezen vanuit Masons perspectief GO #TeamMason ❤️ (als je wilt hoor, met alleen liken en volgen help je me ook al enorm). Dus ga naar de website van Sweek, zoek mijn verhaal op, start met lezen, scroll naar beneden en klik op het duimpje en op het plusje en hoera je hebt gestemd! De winnaar krijgt een contract bij uitgeverij Moon, dus ik wil natuurlijk enorm graag winnen want dat is zegmaar mijn allergrootste droom EVER! Ik hoop dat je me wilt helpen, want daardoor maak je de kans weer wat groter dat ik in de finale terecht kom! Xxxxx ☺️


So today I was ready to give up. I was going home from school and I was debating on actually setting trough this time. But than a boy from my class came up to me and cracked some very very bad jokes which made me laugh. What he didn't realise is that he saved my life there and then. He doesn't know about how bad I feld and made me happy for a little time. To that boy. Thank you those terrible jokes saved a life today


this message may be offensive
@storygirl4fr I just saw your post about your sister, maybe my late reaction won't help you much but still. If something like this happens to you again, just know that it also happens to me a lot, my sister often makes me feel insecure about myself and makes me feel sad by hurtful things she says to me. I know how painful it feels when you've been bullied, I have trouble trusting people and I often think back to hurtful things people said to me and how they made me feel like I was nothing. I know how it feels to not wanting to live anymore. But when your sister tells you some bullshit again, just remember there's love, friends and people who understand you. If you ever feel depressed, just know that you can let you're heart out by anyone you feel comfortable with, and I'll always be there if you need someone :)


my sister just gave me a whole rant on how you don't know whats going on in someone elses home. and she said i shouldn't judge. she doesn't even know what's going on in my life. she doesn't know about the bullying, my depression, or how i thought about ending my life. she doesn't know anything and yet she has the nerves to say that to me....
          she mad at me now because i ran to my room and locked myself in. even then she never knows whats going on, that i ran to my room because i got a breakdown on that moment. that im crying on this moment. i don't know what to do please someone. help me?


@storygirl4fr honey I'm always here, and just like @corrie_snorrie says, stay calm. One of the best advices I ever got was "life is just like a heart monitor, if it didn't have ups and downs we would be dead. And just like those things, after every up there will be a down, bit after every down there will always be an up again."


@ storygirl4fr  you should just stay calm dont get angry at your sister. she doesn't know what is going on. and i think you should tell her just like @doodleDork says. and if your are feeling down please remember you have friends that loves you for you. remember you're not alone and you can do this. think about happy times not about the sad. your are strong and you will be strong..
            a little late but i hope it helps


@ doodledork  thank you i  followed Your advise and it really helpt. Thanks for suporting  me your me of the rare People Who would do that for someone like me. 