
I'm retiring all of my old fanfictions and starting a new. Don't kill me guys ;; I'll probably rewrite them in the future.


Hello! You are the only person on Wattpad who has written anything about Usagi Jojimba. I've been using Wattpad for a long time, but I almost opened a profile where I write stories about TMNT. However, no one has started reading them yet. Are you perhaps interested in reading what I have written?


Why does everyone like my reflection fanfiction so much tho wtf 


            CAUSE ITS AMAZING I AM 22 YEARS OLD AND I WAS READING IT WHEN IT FIRST CAME OUT AND EVEN IF ITS ABOUT A ROBOT THE WRITING ITSELF WAS FANTASTIC !!!! The first chapter will always be in my heart with the Amber Cider <3


@the-mouseketeer cuz it’s good. Why else?